Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our baby girl is getting big! Chloe's is growing so fast, and it's just so much fun to watch! She's smiles and coos all the time now, and we think she's just about to laugh at any moment! She's getting really good at bringing her fist to her mouth,as you can see (a little too good), and has actually found her thumb a couple of times.

She's sleeping through the night now. She's goes to bed around 8:30-9 o'clock, and then for the most part, doesn't wake up until about 4 or 5. That has been sooo nice! She's always been a really good sleeper, but it still wears you down getting up 2-3 times a night.

In a couple of posts ago I told you that the doctor wants to work with her and her look to her left more because she was greatly favoring her right side and it was starting to get flat. She was very stubborn about it, but its really not much of an issue anymore. She'll actually look from her right to her left on her own, which she never used to do before, and will look to her left for long periods of time before finding something new and more interesting to look at on the other side.

It was raining outside so we covered her up so she wouldn't get wet, but she managed to wiggle her feet out of the blanket. I just had to take a picture.

God had blessed us with such a sweet, beautiful, lovely baby girl. She's so good, and I just can't get enough of her. I know I did nothing to deserve this blessing, but I guess that's what makes God so awesome. He loves and cherishes us so much that he gave his only Son to be crucified on a cross all for us. I can't ever imagine doing something like that, and all he asks is that we love him and pursue a relationship with him in return. How amazing!?

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