Wednesday, August 12, 2009

3 Months

My baby girl turns 3 months old today at 11:42am! It's so hard to believe that 3 months ago Chloe was this tiny 5lbs 13oz little thing and now she got to be working on 12-13lbs big thing discovering new things everyday. She rolled over for the first time on Sunday! She also saw her fist and followed it for a few seconds the other day, she pushing up really well, she loves to talk to us, and she's gotten to the stage where they're sooo tired, but don't want to and won't go to sleep until they've completely exhausted themselves whining and crying (that's a whole lot of fun...). Oh, and she's discovered how to splash in the bath tub! She's really been loving taking a bath lately and when she discovered she can kick and splash, oh my she has so much fun! There's a video of it on Kris' facebook, as well as a video of the first time she rolled over on my mom's facebook if you'd like to see.
Kris and I are also having a blast watching her grow and learn and discover new things. We absolutely love being parents!

I took these pictures earlier today and liked them a lot, so I thought I'd share them with you.

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