With a touch of tough guy

"You lookin' at me?"
Chloe had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and it was no fun at all. She got 4 shots and oral vaccine. She was fine for about a second after the nurse stuck her with the needle, then she cried like I've never seen her cry before. It wasn't like a really hard scream, it was the most horrible, "why are you letting them do this to me mom?" kind of cry. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. It was awful.
Chloe has had a hernia on her belly button for quite some time now, and yesterday Dr. Beck confirmed it and said it was a medium size hernia. Most hernias heal on their own, so that's what we're hoping happens in our case.
Dr. Beck was a little concerned about Chloe head. Whenever you lay her down or position her in any way, her head sort of naturally falls to her right. It's something I've noticed, but really didn't think anything of. Dr. Beck said that her neck muscles are probably stiff and need to be worked to relax them now before her head and ear really start to get flat on that side. So Kris and I have to be constantly making sure that her head is turned to left to try and loosen up those stiff muscles. She's pretty stubborn about it though, but Dr. Beck gave me some exercises to help work em out.
I forgot to mention a few things going on with Chloe in my last real update post. She's fits into most of her 0-3 months clothes now, her eyes are really turning more and more blue (she get's that from her daddy), she loves to take a bath now, she eats 4 oz. from a bottle, and she's only waking up about 2 two times at night. She's getting big! Oh! Duh Layna, I'm almost forgot. She weighed in at 10 lbs. 6.25 oz. and is 22 inches long! She really is getting big!
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