Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fun in the.... oh yeah, SUN!

Ok, I know my posts get a little out of order sometimes, but I blog about what's on my mind with our family at the time. The past couple weeks it's been all about Chloe's eye and birthday party and now that those two things are over and done with, it's time to take a few steps back and look at stuff that happened in between those two events...

Back when it wasn't raining everyday, and actually nice outside, we took advantage and had some fun in the.... what is that big, bright, yellow thing in the sky called again? Oh right, right, right! THE SUN!

She liked to play in the grass, but did not like it to stick to her hands. Unfortunately, daddy had just mowed, so sticking grass was a regular occurrence.

She had a horrible time walking in the grass. It probably didn't help that our yard is mostly a hill, but even on the flat part she had a hard time. If we ever get some sunshine we'll have to go out and practice.

My pretty baby.

Alright, I know I'm a mom, and all the other blogging moms I know, did a whole post devoted to their mother's day, but like I said, things have been busy. I sadly don't think I took any pictures on mother's day, but that's ok with me. I got several cards, including a homemade one from Chloe (the best one of all), and Kris got me a wonderful planner that I absolutely LOVE!!! He really is the best husband! I had to work in the nursery that day, so I also got a beautiful daisy! After church we went out to lunch with my parent's and brother to one of my favorite places! It was a good day! :-)

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