Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Can I get a Happy Meal with extra happy, please?"

Chloe had her first Happy Meal over the weekend. She greatly enjoyed her chicken nuggets and milk. She didn't care for the apple dippers though. They were kinda sour and hard for her to chew.

"Come on mom! Open it! I know there's food in there!"


While blogging about Chloe's birthday and birthday party I completely forgot to update her 1 year stats. So I thought I'd throw it in...

Chloe is walking like crazy anywhere and everywhere. She'll rarely crawl unless she just randomly feels like it.

Her favorite thing to do is read books. She likes, Bubbles Bubbles and Dogs the best. At least those are the ones we read the most often.

She still loves music and likes to dance a lot. While it's not a Drop-everything-you're-doing-right-this-second kind of song anymore, the office theme song is still her favorite I'd say.

Her favorite game is peek-a-boo. Although, a lot of the time she misses her eyes and cover's her ears or forehead.

It's hard to tell what her favorite toy is right now because she just got a bunch of new ones, so she's always playing with something different.

She still sleeps on her belly.

She loves, loves, LOVES to eat. Anything with cheese would have to be her favorite, but she won't eat real fruit, except bananas. I don't know why. She just won't.
I'm still breastfeeding as of right now. We're down to the feedings in the morning and right before bed. Today was actually the first time we didn't nurse in the morning. She still favors the right side, but the left side is her snuggling side so she can suck on her fingers, and she loves to snuggle with my hair. It's weird.

Most of her vocabulary still consists of the word she uses for just about everything (da da). However, she does know about 13 words or so that aren't "da da". Mama and dada of course, and uh oh. "ga gom" (all gone), "da!" (down), and shoes is kind of like "sheshz". "ka!" (snack) is very popular as well as "gog" (dog). She getting really good at saying "dang du" (thank you) and "no no no" (does that one really need a caption?). She's started calling a duck "ka ka" (quack quack) probably so she doesn't have to answer the question "What's a duck say?". A couple of recently learned words are "gook" (book) and "ah esh" (the end).
She's also learning her baby signs too. She knows more and please so far.

I think I have a very smart little girl on my hands. She knows where her nose, ears, hair, and toes are. She learned toes and hair from Bubbles Bubbles, a book Aunt Becca gave us. I may just be a bias mom, but I don't care. ;-)

1 comment:

Forever For Evie said...

She's just precious, and very smart!!! Do you put her in the nursery? If so, I get to watch her in there now! yay! =)
Sorry we missed her birthday party. :( Jett was sick. It looks like she had alot of fun!! I love the cupcake original and so cute!!!