If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what do you have to eat to keep the ophthalmologist away?
I can't remember whether or not I posted that Chloe has a blocked tear duct. We really noticed it around 1 month and at her 2 month, well baby visit I asked the doctor about it. Dr. Beck told us what it was and that if it didn't clear up on it's own by 9 months, we would have to take her an eye doctor to get it fixed.
Well, her 9 month, well baby visit was Friday and she still has the blocked tear duct, so guess where we get to go...
I don't really know what fixing it entails, and I'm not sure I want to know, but I'll just be glad to get it fixed. We plan on waiting until we get our new insurance cards to make the appointment, but when we do, I'll keep ya'll posted.
"that's what she said"
This is Chloe's scrunchy face. Oh, she has five teeth by the way! And we're working on some more. She weighs almost 16lbs. and is 26 1/2 in. long!
Have a great evening!
Where did you get a baby size "that's what she said" shirt? That is awesome,
It's the product of Kris going to a store by himself. He got it at the walgreen's on 23rd Street and Sterling.
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