Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Crawling Update, Valentine's Day, & 9 Months all in 1

Hang on Folks, it's a long one...

~Crawling Update~

Chloe is EVERYWHERE. Most of my pictures look like this, where she's almost out of the picture completely and it's blurry. And to think, this is one of the better ones.

She likes to play on our Wii balance board. We were keeping up against the wall where she couldn't get to it, but we found out that wasn't good for it. So now it's on the floor in front of our tv, and Chloe plays on it. She even tries to help us play when we're on the Wii Fit.

Push ups with side planks

Downward facing dog

~Valentine's Day~

As you all know, Valentine's Day was Sunday. It was Chloe's first and she had a special outfit she got to wear to church.

Her t-shirt says "My Heart Belongs to Mommy" and she wore a fuzzy bow clipped on to a regular pink bow. It was so cute. We had a good day. Kris got me a beautiful pearl necklace, and my mom says that I'm now officially a mom because I have one :-). I got Kris a shirt that has a guitar on it that you can actually play. He was pretty excited.

~9 Months Old~

Ok, so at 6 months, I posted pretty much everything I could think of in relation to Chloe's favorite things. I'm gonna do that again, click here if you want to compare. I'm doing it mainly for my own recollection.

Chloe is not only sitting now, but as you know from previous posts, she's crawling all over the place. She pulls up on everything within reach, and even tries to cruise a little tiny bit. She can walk while holding our hands, and sometimes (if she's feeling really brave) she will let go of whatever she's hanging on to and stand on her own for a few seconds.

She's still interested in everything you have (especially food) and has no problem helping herself with whatever it may be (again, especially food). If you have it, she wants it.

Chloe's favorite book is this Winnie the Pooh talking book she got for Christmas. It has pages she can turn by herself and has these little interactive pieces on the pages that move and make Pooh talk and sing. She loves it. Her favorite toy is probably her socks... I don't know why, but she loves to take them off and carry them around in her mouth. Sometimes it's the only thing that will get her to stop crying. It's weird.

She still loves to sleep on her belly. I don't think that will really ever change much.

She loves to be on the move. She hates getting her diaper changed, getting dressed or undressed, or anything else that keeps her from crawling all over and pulling up on things.

Her favorite food is pretty much anything she can feed herself. Instead of vegetable baby food, I've been getting canned veggies for her. That way it's a little cheaper, and we're able to start her on some real food. So even what her least favorite food was, peas, is one of her favorites now just because she can feed them to herself. I would've put up a picture of her eating, but she's the kind of baby that you don't mess around with silly stuff like pictures when it's eatin' time...

I'm still breastfeeding..... so her favorite nursing side is still the right, but her snuggle side is my left arm.

She still sucks her fingers (I have a feeling that will be pretty hard to break her of), and it's still her middle finger and ring finger on her left hand. I can't tell yet which hand she'll favor. She does things with both, so we'll have to see.

Her favorite song is still Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and she'd added a favorite. She loves the theme song to The Office. Her favorite game has changed though. It's Patty Cake. She loves to do the hand motions over and over again. She'll clap 3-4 times ("Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man...), fold her hands and twist them back and forth (roll 'em up, roll 'em up..) , and then throw her arms up in the air (throw 'em in the pan!). It's really cute. She still likes peek-a-boo though:

One last thing. She's talking! She can say Dada, Mama, and Bye Bye (baba). She'll also go "da" when you ask her if she wants down, and she says "ga ga" if you say good girl.

Thanks for reading everyone.

1 comment:

Forever For Evie said...

She's getting so big...she'll be walking before you know it! I can't wait till she's in the toddler nursery! (that's where I work once a month)
Okay, I have to see Kris' shirt...tell him to wear it to church and play that instead of his normal guitar. :)