Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good Eats

Today Chloe had her first real taste of "big people food". I've been getting caught up in What to Expect: The First Year and was reading the list of real food we could start trying out. I saw a few simple things and picked them up at the store, and so Chloe had real banana for breakfast and cooked noodle for dinner before nursing.
She fed a few pieces of banana to herself, but it was too slippery for her to pick up well and when she actually was able to pick it up she couldn't feel it well enough to know she had it. It was basically just mush.
The noodle was kind of the opposite. I cooked it for what seemed like a long time, but I'm thinking I should have cooked it for longer. The noodles were soft, but needed to be more like falling apart so that gumming the pieces would suffice. She ate a few pieces but then just started to play with them in her mouth.
We'll keep trying and keep you posted!!!

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