Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby Talk

I can believe I forgot to mention in my last post that on December 20th, 2009 Chloe Marie Savage said her first word! She said, drum roll please......................... BYE-BYE and waved her hand! Kris wouldn't let me write it in her baby book at first because he REALLY wanted her first word to be da-da, but he eventually saw the light and realized she really was saying bye-bye. By the way, she does say da-da occasionally, she just doesn't associate it with Kris. She likes to babble. She does however know who mommy and daddy are. The other day we kept asking her "where did daddy go?" and "where's mommy?" and stuff like that and she almost always would immediately look to the person we were asking about. Unless that person was the one holding her. Then she just looked at us funny like, "duh, are you guys blind she's holding me!".

Oh man, and the past few days she started to become a real mama's baby... I thought I would like secretly like it a little bit, but after almost every time I leave the room or even look like I'm gonna leave the room, she starts whining and crying, it gets to be a bit of a burden. I've made myself a promise that I'm not gonna adjust what and when I do something just to keep her from crying. I don't believe that would be good for her or for me.

ALL WEEK LONG she has been quite the early riser. Yesterday and Monday it wasn't so bad because I had to get up early anyway, but Sunday she woke up early when I was really looking forward to sleeping in a bit before church, and today... HOLY COW she woke up at 5:30 am! She managed to stay ok in there until about 6:45, but still. I don't know what the deal is. Whatever it is, I hope it gets worked out soon because I'm exhausted!

She has a new favorite toy...

No, it's not a Christmas present that we new she would absolutely love or anything. It's an old Jimmie Johnson car that I found and threw in her toy box and that she later found in there. She LOVES it! It's practically been attached to her hip (or mouth I should say).
She's starting to out grow that whole "out of sight, out of mind" thing too. If there's something she wants that she had, but put down to play with something else, there are times when she looks for it. She doesn't always just rediscover it like a brand new toy again. It's kinda sad, and making it a lot harder to hide the things she wants to play with, but can't.

Originally this was going to be a short post about her first word, but I keep thinking of things to say...

Kris wanted to try giving Chloe a lime to see the funny faces she would make, so expecting a big reaction, I taped it. She must have a very high "sour tolerance" because there wasn't that big of a reaction. It wasn't that the lime wasn't sour. Kris ate it after he was done experimenting (gross, I know) and he said it was the most sour lime he'd ever had. After only half of it he said his lips were burning it was so sour.
He wants to try again when she's not so "I'm tired! I'm want my fruit!". SO... expect more to come!

1 comment:

smile4niki said...

well, she won't get scurvy...