Monday, May 11, 2009


Ok, here's what's going on...
I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon, Dr. Lemberger did an exam, got a surprised look on her face, and asked if I'd been having contractions at all today. I told I had had a few throughout the morning (just braxton hicks), but that's it. She said, "ok, we're gonna have you go over to the hospital to be monitored because you're 5-6 cm!" I was totally speechless, and I'm glad my mom was with me because Kris was at work and if I had been by myself, I would have totally FREAKED OUT!
When we got over to the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitor and decided to go ahead and admit me and if I don't go into labor on my own tonight, they're going to induce at 6 am tomorrow morning!
So we're at the hospital now and are gonna have a baby most likely by tomorrow! We'll keep you posted!


Andrea said...

Wow! Layna and Kris...we are SO excited for you.

Post lots of pictures. 80)

Forever For Evie said...

I still can't believe you were walking around at 5-6 cm. That's insane! Can't wait to see her!!! =)