Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Big Milestone = Big news

I'm now 37 weeks pregnant!!! Which means I'm full term!!! Yeah!!! Sorry I haven't posted in couple weeks. We've been having computer problems that we're still trying to work out, but we're at least able to use the internet now. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I am almost 4cm dilated, my cervix is starting to thin, and Chloe's head is even lower now. I'm praying to have her this weekend. Dr. Lemberger is on call this weekend so that's an added plus, and it would be really nice to just have her already.
The past week or so have been really tough. I've been having a lot of lower back pain. It hurts when I sit, stand, lay, or just move in general. I haven't been sleeping well at all because of it, and I think I would classify myself as miserable right now. Just one more reason I'm praying to have a baby this weekend.
At 37 weeks, I'm not sure how much Chloe weighs or how long she is. Throughout my pregnancy I've been going by babycenter.com and my pregnancy books (which I totally need to stop reading by the way). But now, after having the second U/S a couple weeks ago, we know those estimates are wrong in our case. If the average weight gain (about 1/2 a pound a week) is correct, then she's close to 6 lbs. now.

We've taken one belly shot every month of my pregnancy, and this one is, hopefully, gonna be the last.

We'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

Forever For Evie said...

I'm so excited for you guys! There's nothing like seeing your baby for the 1st time...it's a little bit surreal, but it's amazing. I'm praying you go into labor soon, and that it's fast! If you feel labor pains at all, and you get to the hospital and Dr. Lemberger is there or on call, try to complain a bunch and she will empathize and maybe help you get your labor going! I don't know if you wanna be induced or not, but I know by the end of my pregnancy with my Chloe, I was so miserable and she knew it, and just broke my water for me...even though I don't think I was in true labor. :) I really hope you go soon!! I can't wait to see her!!