Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chloe Update

Chloe had her two week check up on Wednesday and the result is: she's growing like a weed! She's now 6lbs. 8oz., 19in. long! So she's gain almost a pound since her last visit and has grown 1/2 an inch!
Chloe is still a pretty good sleeper (when she actually falls asleep). Every night we lay her down in her crib when she's sleepy, but still awake so she can learn to sooth herself to sleep. Lately when we lay her in there at night, she starts to whine and the whining turns to screaming bloody murder because she wants to be held. The past two nights I haven't been a very strong mom. I keep giving in after a while because I can't stand to hear her cry like that, but on the positive, every time I try to just let her cry it out, I'm able to go a little longer without going in. So maybe eventually Chloe and I both will make it through falling asleep. I'm gonna try something a little different tonight, so we'll see if that works.
Here's a few snap shots.

I'm innocent, don't shoot!

Chloe with her favorite thing, her binky.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2 weeks old!

Chloe is 2 weeks old today! I can't believe it's been two weeks already, but at the same time it feels like she's been here a lot longer than just 2 weeks. It's weird.

Here's Chloe all dressed up and looking so cute turning 2 weeks old

Here's a couple pictures from Chloe first play date with her friend Addie. I said I didn't have any, but thankfully Nahni did.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend of firsts

Happy Memorial Day everyone!
We are starting to settle into life as a family a bit more, and Chloe has had a big weekend of firsts. Here's a few pics for your entertainment. Oh, they're in reverse order, sorry.

Sleeping through her first race...

First time at church in her pretty Sunday dress. She was so good, and everyone loved seeing her.

First sponge bath with actual body wash. She hated it.

First nap on her belly. She's not napping in the picture, but when she fell asleep, she slept for good long time!

First time in the swing (she loved it!) followed by her first play date with her friend Addie. Sorry, I don't have any pictures of that.

Ok, so here's my first "I'm loving being a mom" story...
The other night, she had woken up for a feeding and was really mad because she was hungry and I was changing her diaper (she hates being naked). After I was done, her crying turned to whining and I scooped her up, brought her close, and just spoke to her. Suddenly she stopped whining and just looked so happy. She wasn't smiling or laughing or anything obviously, but she just looked so happy. When I think about it now, she probably just knew she was gonna get fed, but she still looked so happy to hear my voice and know I was there, which made being up in the middle of the night all worth it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our little glow worm has to glow no more!

Chloe got her blood drawn again today (it was horrible, she balled the whole time) and her jaundice levels came back normal! I think that normal is between 5-7, but I don't know, they didn't tell me. They just said it was normal and that's just fine with me!! We're so happy to get rid of that dumb light.

Chloe had a busy day yesterday! We went to Nahni, Papi, and Uncle Dylan's house for lunch, and she got to meet Butterscotch for the first time! After lunch we went to Grandpa Dale and Grandma Karla's house for dinner. There, she got to meet her Nana Jean, Cousins Chelli and Toby, and Aunt Dinah. Like I said, it was a busy day!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our little glow worm

Our little Chloe Marie has jaundice. Her levels before we left the hospital were 10.2 so Chloe's doctor, Dr. Beck, wanted us to get her blood tested the day after we were discharged. When we had her tested the next day, her levels were 15.something. That was really discouraging. Dr. Beck had a light sent over for her to wear that will help clear it up and wanted us to get her blood taken again today. After being on the light all evening and night last night, her jaundice levels are still at 15. We were very pleased to find out that it hadn't gotten any worse and that Dr. Moser (the doctor in office today) isn't too concerned about it, thank the Lord! We're supposed to have her wearing the light all day today, half the day tomorrow, and then we'll have her blood tested again on Monday morning. While Dr. Moser isn't too concerned, he wants us to take advantage of the light while we have it to clear up her jaundice quicker.
Here's a couple pics of our "little glow worm" as we've been calling her while she's got the light on.

Daddy getting to feed her a bit

Mmm, yummy

Thank you everyone for all your prayers as we've welcomed this little girl into our lives. They're greatly appreciated, just as all of you are. We love and are thankful to have you all in our lives.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chloe Marie Savage

Hey everyone, it's Kris. I just figured out how to post all of this on here. I'm not going to take a lot of time to rotate pictures and such, so I apologize for that, but here are some pictures of Chloe Marie Savage; born at 11:42AM, 5lbs 13.3oz, 18inches long. We'll update more later.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Ok, here's what's going on...
I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon, Dr. Lemberger did an exam, got a surprised look on her face, and asked if I'd been having contractions at all today. I told I had had a few throughout the morning (just braxton hicks), but that's it. She said, "ok, we're gonna have you go over to the hospital to be monitored because you're 5-6 cm!" I was totally speechless, and I'm glad my mom was with me because Kris was at work and if I had been by myself, I would have totally FREAKED OUT!
When we got over to the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitor and decided to go ahead and admit me and if I don't go into labor on my own tonight, they're going to induce at 6 am tomorrow morning!
So we're at the hospital now and are gonna have a baby most likely by tomorrow! We'll keep you posted!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


We are just sitting around waiting for Chloe to make her grand entrance. I would've said patiently, but I think I'd be pushing it a little. I'm so ready for this baby to come. I'm still having A LOT of lower back pain, I'm not sleeping, and I'm getting more uncomfortable everyday. I've been walking the past few days trying to get things moving along, but who knows if it's actually working. I'm 38 weeks so I guess I still have a couple more to go, but I really hope it doesn't take that long.
Sorry for the short post this week. I just didn't think you'd want to listen to me complain any more than I already have.
We'll keep you posted I guess. Have a great night!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Big Milestone = Big news

I'm now 37 weeks pregnant!!! Which means I'm full term!!! Yeah!!! Sorry I haven't posted in couple weeks. We've been having computer problems that we're still trying to work out, but we're at least able to use the internet now. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I am almost 4cm dilated, my cervix is starting to thin, and Chloe's head is even lower now. I'm praying to have her this weekend. Dr. Lemberger is on call this weekend so that's an added plus, and it would be really nice to just have her already.
The past week or so have been really tough. I've been having a lot of lower back pain. It hurts when I sit, stand, lay, or just move in general. I haven't been sleeping well at all because of it, and I think I would classify myself as miserable right now. Just one more reason I'm praying to have a baby this weekend.
At 37 weeks, I'm not sure how much Chloe weighs or how long she is. Throughout my pregnancy I've been going by and my pregnancy books (which I totally need to stop reading by the way). But now, after having the second U/S a couple weeks ago, we know those estimates are wrong in our case. If the average weight gain (about 1/2 a pound a week) is correct, then she's close to 6 lbs. now.

We've taken one belly shot every month of my pregnancy, and this one is, hopefully, gonna be the last.

We'll keep you posted...