There's lots to tell this week! First of all, I'm 35 weeks pregnant. Chloe is working on putting on weight, and will be until she comes.
Second of all, I had my baby shower on Saturday! It was so much fun! A big thank you to Becca and Erin (even though she couldn't be there) for working so hard on it! We got lots of great gifts! Here's a few pictures:
The table at the entrance. The pink panther was Kris' favorite toy as a kid, and that's my baby book and a shadow box with my first Bible and first pair of gloves.
Cup cakes! yummy
My diaper cake my mom made! It was sooo cute!
Me wearing my "mom to be" sash
Me and Addie watching every one play the game.
Kris got a present too from his friend Ben. It was a bunch of candy for the hospital!
Isn't that cute! It's a diaper bag with Chloe's name on it from our good friends Dave, Marla, and Addie!
This one was rather large... as you can see.
My favorite sports related outfit...
...and Kris' favorite.
Thirdly, I had a doctor appt. today. I found out I'm 3cm dilated already! I was expecting to be dilated just because of how low she is, but I was not expecting to be THAT dilated!
I have to have a sonogram done tomorrow. When the doctor went to measure my uterus, I was having a contraction (don't worry, just braxton hicks), so she had to wait because with the contraction the uterus shrinks a bit. After the contraction, I was still measuring small, so she wants to make sure that's not because she's not progressing or because of low fluid or something. Alright, I think that's everything, I'll post an update tomorrow after the sonogram.
Your baby shower was so fun!!! And lots of yummy food! :) The girls had fun too! Thanks for including made them feel special! :) Oh, and I LOVE the baby bag Dave and Marla gave is SO CUTE!!
Thanks, Sarah! I'm so happy you and the girls could come and had had a good time!
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