Saturday, April 11, 2009

6, count em, 6 weeks to go

Today marks the beginning of my 34th week of pregnancy. I have 6 weeks until my due date and 3 weeks until I'll be considered full term (37 weeks). I had a doctor appointment on Monday and got a good report. I've gained a total of 30 pounds so far! Dr. Lemberger is pretty sure Chloe is head down, but is gonna do an exam, as well as my Strep B test, at my next appointment to make sure. She also commented on how low her head felt. In the last week or so its been very visible of how much she's dropped. Dr. Lemberger joked how "she knows where the exit is, that's for sure". I don't think I'm gonna make it to my due date. I also think she's gonna weigh around a high 6lbs- a low 7lbs. If we're gonna be exact, my official guess is 6lbs 13oz. Right now, Chloe is about 4.75 lbs and 18 inches long.

An quick update on my ribs is my Dr. says its nothing to worry about. She's actually surprised that it's just the left side that's sore. She also says it's not Chloe pushing on my ribs because my uterus doesn't go up that high, but it's my uterus pushing everything else into them. So basically my body is just running out of room.
My baby shower is next weekend and I'm getting so excited! I'll have to post pictures afterwards.

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