Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of Pre-School at Home!

Goal #5: Educate my kids.
Here it is. My baby started school. Even though it's only pre-school, and we're doing it at home, I'm taking it seriously. I want her to learn and grow and realize her full potential, and the way I see it is, you can never start too early. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the cutest, and the smartest of the class of 2027!

I saw this super cute idea on Pinterest (where else, right?). Every year on the first day of school, you take a picture of them in a shirt with their class year, watching them grow into the shirt! I thought it would be extremely cute to put together in a little photo book or something. It's crazy to think I'll be 38 when that project is finished...

This year in pre-school, we're focusing on the 5 senses. I have about 6 weeks scheduled for each sense (give or take), and then a few weeks at the end of the school year to review.
On the first day of school, we started discussing hearing and the ear. We're learning about the parts of the ear, and different ways we use our ears. We also worked on pre-writting skills and scissor skills.
Our school days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) aren't very long, but I'm try to incorporate what we talk about into conversations throughout the day and on days we don't have school. It seems to be working. I mean, we just had the first day yesterday, but with asking her and talking with her about what we learned regularly, Chloe seems to be picking it up. For instance, today at the zoo, we heard some African drums while waiting for the tram, and that reminded her of the eardrum. Then, after thinking about the eardrum, she remembered the outside of your ear (the part that sticks out from your head) is called the pinna. So, like I said, she seems to really be getting it. Let's hope it continues that way.

Goal #3: Clean and organized home.
 Ok... I've kinda slacked on this goal this week. In my defense, it was a holiday weekend last week plus Kris was home for a week due to vacation and time off because his grandmother passed away. So, while I've noticed some of my facebook friends say holiday weekends make them more productive, they seem to do the opposite for me... The reason why is because when Kris is home with us, it throws off the routine a bit, but also, when he's home, I don't want to spend the whole time doing housework. I want to spend time with my family. SO... right now, I'm incredibly behind on laundry. Ooooh, laundry. That's probably my Achilles heal. Ugh. I guess I know what I'll be doing over the weekend.  

Another thing I would like to incorporate in this blog is a Chloe Quotes "Segment," where I can share a few of the many cute things my daughter says. Things I don't ever want to forget.

Chloe Quotes:
"Dear Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You for this food. Thank you for helping us go to the zoo. Thank you for mommies and oranges and eggs. In Jesus name, Amen!"

"Thank You for this day. Thank You for this food. And thank You for Netflix. Amen!"


Anonymous said...

Wow! I hadnt even thought about Zoeys graduation year yet! Lol

Layna Savage said...

I hadn't either until I saw the idea on Pinterest.