Thursday, September 27, 2012

Toddlers talk.....a lot.

This was my conversation with Chloe just moments ago.

Chloe, after finishing her pez: Can I have more pez, mom?

Me: Maybe in a little bit.

Chloe, while literally spinning around in circles: Can I have more pez when you're done with your iPod, mom?

Me: Yes.

Chloe, still spinning in circles: I can have more pez?

Me: Yes, but you need to wait a little bit.

Chloe, still spinning: Can I have more pez when you're done with your iPod?

Me: Ye–

Chloe, still spinning: Mommy, when you're done with your iPod, I can have more pez, mom?

Me: Yes, Chloe.

Chloe, STILL spinning: When you're done with your—whoa! (falls over) Can I have more pez, mom?

Me: Yes! (I turn on Caillou)

Chloe: (silence)

Caillou ends while I type what's above.

Chloe: Can I have more pez? Please, mommy, can I have more pez? Please get me some more pez. Puh-leez, please can I have pez?

Me: Chloe! (Chloe: Can I–) Stop asking me for pez. (Chloe: But–) I'm not going to get you pez if you keep asking me. I will get you pez when it's time for you to have pez.

Chloe, in a hushed voice: I want purple pez.

Kris Savage, next time you buy her pez, you'll be the one to deal with the end results.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Making progress on Goal #6

A big thing literally just happened. After months and months of this getting pushed to the back burner for other things, I have finally ordered my GED study guide! I'm really excited, but super nervous because this means I actually have to do it... 

It has been years since I've done any kind of homework, but with a new determination and mindset (things I seriously lacked all through high school) I'm hoping it won't actually be as scary as it feels right now. But right now it is scary, so I ask that if you have a minute and you happen to think about it, please pray for me as I add this new element to my life in Mommyhood.

If you're just tuning in, Goal # 6 is to educate myself. I was homeschooled from 1st grade to 12th grade. I completed my junior and senior year of high school in a 9-10 month period and am a homeschool graduate. BUT I don't have proof of that, and to further my own education by maybe, possibly (it's still unclear what God has in store) going back to school to get my degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ultrasound), I would need proof of it. Therefore, here I am, finally able to order a GED study guide.

Goal #3: Keep a clean, healthy, and organized home for my family.
While I'm making progress in some areas, I'm losing progress in others, this one in particular. I'm ashamed to say that my arch nemesis, Laundry, has had me cornered all weekend/week. There are laundry baskets filled and sitting around waiting to put folded and put away, everything feels cluttered and out of place to me right now, my bathrooms need a really good top to bottom scrub, and my floors... my floors look like they haven't seen a broom in ages (probably because they haven't... shhh, don't tell.)
I do however, have a good excuse... we had a garage sale this past weekend, and it's all the stuff we didn't sell and are still trying to find a home for, that's cluttering up my house. I hope to find a free moment over the weekend to straighten things up, and start my cleaning routine anew next week (I'll post about that another day).

Until next time, au revoir!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Goal #17

I have another new goal. Once I tell you all what it is, many of you that know me will probably think this should've been #1 from the beginning, but hey, it's not your list now, is it?

It's been pointed out several times to me that I have not had my daughter's picture taken professionally since her first birthday (she's coming up on 3 1/2). Yes, I know, and I'm ashamed to admit it. But when you don't have money to shell out for just anything (like we don't), when time is hard to come by (like it is at my house), when your child hates to sit still just to eat, let alone pose for a picture (like mine does), and when your husband is a self-professed photography snob (like mine is), the whole process seems like something to avoid.

So Goal #17, you probably guessed, is: Become a better picture taker!

This goal is sort of like two wrapped up in one. I want to be more consistent when it comes to getting my kids picture taken, but also want to become a better "picture taker" myself. I've always had somewhat of an interest in photography, but never the purpose, knowledge, or equipment to do anything with it. And $500+ for a nice camera that would give me all the effects wanted would be much more suited for many other areas right now (mainly paying off debt and finishing the basement). Plus photography has always been my husbands territory, and I feel it's necessary to tread carefully as to not make him feel like I'm trying to move in on said territory. Because the purpose of this goal is not to develop another hobby. It's to satisfy my want for beautiful pictures of my daughter and future children, and to be able to achieve this want myself. I also don't want to sacrifice one goal (#2) for another, completely selfish, one.

Since it's been noted that I have not had Chloe's picture done professionally since her first birthday, and I happen to come across these photos my very talented husband took of her while I was cleaning out the office over the weekend, I have dubbed them her "2 year old pictures" to make myself feel better. I think they're on his facebook page, so you may have already seen them, but with the new title they hold, I thought I'd post them on here. There are many more he took, but these three happen to be my favorite. I would like to try to put them all together in maybe a 4x6 collage to give to family and friends along with her "three year old pictures" when I get them taken hopefully in a few weeks. Not sure that will actually end up happening though, so don't get your hopes up.

1st goal completed!

Goal #4: Potty Train.
I've held off on making this post for awhile because I didn't want to "jinx it," and we've been so close to achieving this so many times, only to completely relapse and be worse off than we were. BUT, I think it's finally safe to say that I HAVE A POTTY TRAINED CHILD!!!
After nearly a year (Yes, a YEAR!), many different methods tried and failed, and lots and lots of tears (on my part and Chloe's), Chloe has finally decided she was willing to be potty trained.

Our BIG accomplishments in the past several weeks include:

-Mommy remembering the last accident, but not how long it's been because it's been so long ago!
-Successfully not wearing pull ups at nap time!
-Successfully not wearing pull ups at Gymnastics class!
-Telling mommy and daddy every time she needs to go!
-Successfully not wearing pull ups during Sunday school (and not just because she holds it, but because she tells her teachers when she has to go)!
-This past weekend, she had 3 nights in a row where she woke up with a dry pull up!

I'm sure several of you had your child(ren) potty trained in like two minutes, and therefore don't think these things are all that significant. But after the enormous amount of struggle I have experienced with this, the things on this list are HUGE! Absolutely huge, and I'm so proud of my Blooming Star of the Sea! (Chloe Marie)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

DIY Stethoscope!

I'm pretty sure I've said this in a previous post, but for pre-school at home this year, Chloe will be learning about the 5 senses, and these first 6 weeks are focusing on the ear and sense of hearing. That said, I just had to share the craft we did today.

We made our own stethoscope, and here's the kicker: IT ACTUALLY WORKED! Obviously not to the quality of an actual stethoscope, but it magnified the sound of the heart! It's super easy to make, too.

All you need:
~Funnel with a flat top (I found mine in the auto parts section of Walmart)
~Paper towel roll (I'm sure a toilet paper roll would work just as well. You just have to be careful on how long the tip of your funnel is)
~Duct tape

The picture is pretty self explanatory of how it's put together. You only have to stick the paper towel/toilet paper roll onto the end of the funnel and tape it. I let Chloe "decorate" it, but the real fun was using it. Place the funnel end flat against the chest (this is why you need a flat-topped funnel) and listen through the paper towel end.

We compared the sound of each others heart before and after running in place, and also the sound with and without using our stethoscope. A craft like this, though, could be a fun teaching tool for all sorts of lessons (the heart, exercise, doctors, ect.).

Hope you enjoy!


Monday, September 10, 2012

New Goal.

I told you all I'd be adding more goals along the way. So... here's my new one.

Goal #16: Choose Joy.
As Christians we're supposed to be joyful, even in trials and tribulation. Well, Sunday morning I had the opportunity to walk downstairs to get a handbag to go with my outfit for church, and instead found that the basement was flooded. Flooded? you ask. Yes, flooded... with nasty sewage water. It appears that a little clump of roots had worked their way into a pipe, causing the sewage not to drain and back up all over our basement floor. Fun, right? No, not really.

I was really frustrated and stressed out because this trial seemed to be one of a million other things we've had go wrong for us, and I was really trying to figure out how in the world I was supposed to be joyful through it all. So I just asked God to help me see a way to do just that, and to help me rely fully upon Him to take care of everything. (It took me awhile to realize I probably should, but I did)

I started searching through my Bible and found a fast growing favorite verse of mine: John 16:33.

"...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

And a couple others that helped me look at things from a different angle:

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead us to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Romans 5:35-37

 "Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?... No, despite all of these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loves us." Romans 8:35 & 37

Finding ways to be joyful in times of trouble is hard. There's no if, and, or but about it. It's just hard, and I believe there is no other way to do it except with God's help. So, while I was wiping sewage off of some of my belongings, God helped me rejoice in the fact that I was wiping them down instead of throwing them away. When my eyes were burning from the bleach used to sanitize the floor, God helped me rejoice in the fact that Kris and I had the means and ability to do it all ourselves instead of paying someone hundreds of dollars to take care of it. 

So Goal # 16 is Choose Joy even when it seems impossible.

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of Pre-School at Home!

Goal #5: Educate my kids.
Here it is. My baby started school. Even though it's only pre-school, and we're doing it at home, I'm taking it seriously. I want her to learn and grow and realize her full potential, and the way I see it is, you can never start too early. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the cutest, and the smartest of the class of 2027!

I saw this super cute idea on Pinterest (where else, right?). Every year on the first day of school, you take a picture of them in a shirt with their class year, watching them grow into the shirt! I thought it would be extremely cute to put together in a little photo book or something. It's crazy to think I'll be 38 when that project is finished...

This year in pre-school, we're focusing on the 5 senses. I have about 6 weeks scheduled for each sense (give or take), and then a few weeks at the end of the school year to review.
On the first day of school, we started discussing hearing and the ear. We're learning about the parts of the ear, and different ways we use our ears. We also worked on pre-writting skills and scissor skills.
Our school days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) aren't very long, but I'm try to incorporate what we talk about into conversations throughout the day and on days we don't have school. It seems to be working. I mean, we just had the first day yesterday, but with asking her and talking with her about what we learned regularly, Chloe seems to be picking it up. For instance, today at the zoo, we heard some African drums while waiting for the tram, and that reminded her of the eardrum. Then, after thinking about the eardrum, she remembered the outside of your ear (the part that sticks out from your head) is called the pinna. So, like I said, she seems to really be getting it. Let's hope it continues that way.

Goal #3: Clean and organized home.
 Ok... I've kinda slacked on this goal this week. In my defense, it was a holiday weekend last week plus Kris was home for a week due to vacation and time off because his grandmother passed away. So, while I've noticed some of my facebook friends say holiday weekends make them more productive, they seem to do the opposite for me... The reason why is because when Kris is home with us, it throws off the routine a bit, but also, when he's home, I don't want to spend the whole time doing housework. I want to spend time with my family. SO... right now, I'm incredibly behind on laundry. Ooooh, laundry. That's probably my Achilles heal. Ugh. I guess I know what I'll be doing over the weekend.  

Another thing I would like to incorporate in this blog is a Chloe Quotes "Segment," where I can share a few of the many cute things my daughter says. Things I don't ever want to forget.

Chloe Quotes:
"Dear Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You for this food. Thank you for helping us go to the zoo. Thank you for mommies and oranges and eggs. In Jesus name, Amen!"

"Thank You for this day. Thank You for this food. And thank You for Netflix. Amen!"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let's try this again...

So, it’s official. I’m the worst blogger ever.

It’s nearing a year since my last post, and I’ve decided on a new approach. Instead of this blog being all about Chloe and the new and exciting things she brings to our lives, it’s going to be about more about me and my goals/adventures through life.

Now, grandparents, don’t get your panties in a bunch. This blog will have a main focus of my life as a mom (i.e. Chloe) and a little place I like to call Mommyhood, but it won’t be limited to that. I have a lot of things I wish to achieve and accomplish, and I plan to use this blog as a tool to keep myself accountable. There’s just something about putting your personal goals (that very few people have actually heard you utter), and progress toward those goals (like seriously, I could count them on one hand), on the internet for the world to see, if they so desired. Motivation, I think they call it. 

Alrighty then… It was originally intended for this list to be in a certain order, but that got difficult when goal after goal starting popping into my brain. So after the first several, they are no longer in any particular order. Shall we begin?

1)      I never want to be content to sit idle in my relationship with Christ. 

I don’t pray like I should. I don’t read my Bible like I should. I don’t show the love of Christ to others like I should. This list could go on forever, and I never want to not be unhappy with that. As a Christian, I believe I should never stop striving to be more Christ-like. And since you know, He’s holy and perfect and everything, this is a never ending achievement to work for. 

2)      I want to be an encouraging wife and mother.

I read…most of… Have a New Kid by Friday, and in that book, Dr. Lehman says that you should not praise your child, but encourage your child. If you praise everything your child does all his life, then said child is in for a rude awakening when he grows up. Of course the three little scribble marks on a piece of scrap paper is not the best drawing you’ve ever seen (if it is, you need to get out more). So don’t say that it is. I learned a better response would be, “That’s a very good drawing. If you keep practicing, you could be quite the artist someday.” See? Encouragement, not praise. Your child isn’t stupid, and when she figures out that all the times you said she was the “greatest” at, or “the best ever” at weren’t really true, and in all reality, she’s no good at it at all, then she’s left with questions like, “Am I actually good at anything?” and “What else have they lied to me about?” So again, encouragement, not praise. 

3)      I want to keep a clean, healthy, and organized home for my family. 

This one doesn’t need a whole lot of elaboration. But it is one of my goals, and I’ll occasionally post tips and tricks I pick up along the way on how I accomplish this.  

4)      Completely potty train my child.

I may or may not have already accomplished this. It’s too soon to tell, but I’ll let you know if we have any more relapses…

5)      I want to give my children the best education humanly possible. 

Whether achieving this involves homeschooling, public school, or by some miracle private school, I want Chloe and our future children to receive an excellent education. I always said I would never homeschool because of the extensive amount of work that goes into it and I never thought I was qualified to do it. But through the news (those rare times I’m actually watching grown-up tv) and through friends with kids in the public school system, I’ve heard some things that are truly terrifying not just as a Christian parent, but as a parent in general. So thankfully we’ve got a couple of years before that’s a truly critical decision. We’re doing pre-school at home for the next couple of years, so that will most likely help make our decision on which road to go. There are also other factors like my next goal, which is…

6)      I want to further my own education.

I was homeschooled from 1st grade all through high school, and even though I completed the work and am a homeschool graduate, I have no diploma or proof that I did this. For reasons other than “unfinished” business I guess you could say, I want and plan to get my GED. Those reasons are, I have a new found interest/desire to possibly become an ultrasound technician specializing in obstetrics. For years and years, I’ve always felt God calling me to become a stay-at-home mom. Well, I am one and I love it, but there is still this nagging interest, this desire in my heart to go back to school. That fact in and of itself is a truly God given desire because I hated school when I was growing up. I completed my junior and senior year of high school in a 10 month period while working 20+ hours a week, all so I could be finished sooner. But a lot of things are in need of prayer and serious consideration before I can really even think about it. Things like, finances, child care, time, and I would like to have at least one more baby sometime in the next year. I know God will take care of all this if it truly is His will for me to go back to school and work thereafter, but it’s still stressful for a planner like myself not to know the plan.

7)      I want to become a BETTER BLOGGER!

As we’ve established, I’m horrible at keeping up with the blog. Thankfully, now there’s an app for that! I recently came across the app that Blogger finally came out with, and it now has a place in the section I have for social media on the home screen of my iPod. So it’s guaranteed that I will see it multiple times a day, reminding me to keep up with it this time!

8)      I want throw my kids fantastical birthday parties.

This may seem silly, but it’s a legitimate goal of mine because it was such a big part of my childhood. Between my mom’s craftiness and planning ability and my dad’s handiness and ingenuity, I had some amazing birthday parties growing up that I’ll always remember and look back on with joy. I want to give my kids the same, and so far, I think I’ve accomplished. 

9)      I want to restyle my wardrobe.

This also might seem silly and superficial, but again, it’s a legitimate goal. This is why: For my entire life, I’ve dressed and chosen extremely simple and plain things to wear because it was one mechanism to not get noticed, and if I wasn’t noticed, then no one would see me make mistakes. You see, I’m a huge perfectionist, terrified of making mistakes. Literally I’ve been kept up at night by mistakes I’ve made or how I may have come across to people in certain situations or how I should have done something differently. So because I’m human, I’m pretty much screwed. But taking this one little step, choosing something while shopping that I love but would never normally pick for myself, is a beginning towards getting over my own insecurities. 

10)   I want to decorate my house.

We have lived in this house for going on 18 months and I have done no decorating what so ever. Not unless you count picture hanging (which I don’t). We’ve done more renovating (unfinished renovating, but still) to our house than decorating. It’s a shame, too, because I love interior decorating and thinking up layouts and all the planning/work that goes into all things DIY.  

11)   I want to learn to sew.

You can thank Pinterest for this one. There’s a lot of amazingly cute stuff out there to be made, and I would love to have the skill set to do at least some of it. 

12)   I want to learn and fluently speak French.

I would love to learn a second language. Spanish would be the obvious choice for me because a large portion of my family speaks fluent Spanish, but I’m not a joiner. I don’t like to do things just because everyone else is doing them. French is also one of the most spoken languages in the world, which sets up my next goal…

13)   I want to travel.

I’m dying to travel the world, mainly Europe. I would love to take a really nice, expensive camera, travel all over, and document the world from my point of view. Kris has absolutely no desire to travel much of anywhere, so in 30 or so years when I have time, I’ll be taking applications for a travel buddy. If you can fund it that’d be even better! 

14)   I want to start running.

There. I said it. I want to run. But wait just a minute before you judge me. I want to run BECAUSE I’m looking for something that I can use and focus all my energy and attention on as a way to escape the stress of daily life in Mommyhood, something where I don’t have to worry about anything or anyone except the task at hand. Strengthening my legs and endurance is also a big part of why I want to do this. I’ve already told you, I’m not a joiner. I have no plans to run any kind of 5k or marathon or anything. I’m doing this strictly for me, my enjoyment, and my sanity only. And, just an FYI, I wanted to do this way before all of my facebook friends went out hopped on the running bandwagon, ok? So there. 

15)   I want to get out of debt. 

Kris and I, for the entire length of our marriage, stayed completely debt free, with the exception of our mortgage. Well, that is until this summer. Our A/C went completely, irreparably out, and our savings has been mostly eaten up by Kris’ piece-of-junk “car” that doesn’t even really deserve to be called a car. So we were stuck and had to get a small loan of $4000.00 to pay for a new A/C and furnace. Thankfully, we got an amazing deal through a good friend of my dad’s and it wasn’t a whole heck of a lot more than that. But we are still in debt, which is something I despise. I would really like to have it paid off by the end of the year.

Well, there you have it. The List. I know I’ll continue to add to it as I go, and of course blog about how I’m progressing toward achieving the goals listed. It feels pretty intimidating, but here’s to new beginnings and fresh starts in the middle of the year and for no other reason than being tired of standing still and daring to be called Super.