Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chloe Fun Facts Vol. 2

Good Afternoon, America! It's time for another edition of Chloe Fun Facts!

Ok, now that I've got the corny out of my system, here are some interesting things you might not have known about Chloe Marie Savage...

get's new books, filled with things she loves, all the time, but always goes for the old ones first.

will only sit through 2 television shows all the way through. Elmo (obviously) and iCarly....... iCarly is also the only "real people" show she pays the slightest bit of attention to.

has one word for every word she doesn't know how to say. It's "baba-jaba-da" (or something like that).

loves television theme songs. She comes running in from the other room if she hears one. Last night we had to play the theme song from CHUCK about 5 times (thank goodness for DVR) and she was still asking for it again. Her other favorites include The Office and The Nanny.

has hair down past her shoulders in the back, but still has only peach fuzz on the sides. Yes, it's a mullet.

and finally.....
Chloe shouts "Go! Go! Go!" any time she sees the Chiefs arrowhead or the logo for the NFL...

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