Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Big D, little d, what begins with D?

As Dr. Seuss's ABC An Amazing Alphabet Book! says:

"BIG D, little d, what begins with D? Doughnuts and a duck-dog. D...d...D"

And apparently a lot more too, or at least that's what Chloe thinks. Just about every word for Chloe begins with D, with the exception of the ones that begin with G and K.
She's learned a few new words since my last post about Chloe talking (it's at the very end for those that don't want to read the whole thing). She can say thank you (da du) and uh oh ("ah ah" in the high, low tone). She can say duck (kuh) and quack (ka ka ka) and dog (ga!). She says dog with such enthusiasm. She absolutely LOVES them. She points to and says "ga!" if we're out and she sees one, and when my mom and dad's dog comes inside she goes on and on, "ga! ga! ga! ga! ga! ga!" She just can't get enough.

Snuggling with her dog. It was mine when I was little, and since she likes dogs so much and we can't have pets at our duplex, I brought it home for her. She loves it.

Dog's nose...

Giving her dog kisses.

Anyway, back to baby talk. Those are the words that Chloe knows what she's talking about when she uses them. She tries to imitate the words we say, but as I was saying at the beginning of the post, they all just come out "da".

She's getting so big. I can't believe that in less than a month, she'll be 1. I'm so excited to see her learn and grow, but it breaks my heart at the same time.

I said to myself, "I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say..." -Psalms 39:1

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