Monday, October 12, 2009

5 Months Old

Chloe turns 5 months old today! Because mommy likes to follow all the "rules" and the doctor says after she's been on cereal for about a month she can move onto vegetables, Chloe will have her first taste of her orange vegetables tonight. Our choices are between Sweet Potato, Carrots, and Squash I believe. We'll probably go with sweet potatoes first because that's daddy's favorite (the only vegetable he'll eat). How it works is we try one vegetable at a time, each one a few times before moving on to the next to better detect any allergies she may have. I'll post pictures later and let you know how she liked it!

Chloe found her feet and now they are her new favorite toy!

She sure loves her daddy!

My sweet, blue eyed baby :-)

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