Monday, January 26, 2009

23 weeks

Well, I'm 23 weeks pregnant now and starting to get a little more uncomfortable. The muscles in my right side and back cramp up quite a bit, and the doctor says its due to them stretching out. I'm starting to see stretch marks on my belly... yeah... which feels like it's getting bigger and bigger with every passing day.
I've gained a total of 11 pounds so far which I'm excited to say that as of this week, 1 of those pounds is the baby! That's right, our baby girl is now one pound! She's also about 11 inches long head to toe! She's getting big...

Her sense of movement is well developed now and she can feel when I dance (which I don't do very often). I'm also feeling her move a lot and can even see her movement and kicks from the outside, which is kinda weird but cool at the same time. Actually, at my last doctors appointment she kicked the fetal monitor when the nurse was taking her heart beat (upper 140's). Her sense of hearing keeps developing more and more. She loves to listen to her daddy play the guitar!

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