Monday, December 15, 2008

18 weeks

Alright, so I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and almost to the half way point! woo hoo! I go in for my sonogram in about 8 more days! Another woo hoo! Kris and I are itching to find out what we're having. Kris has everyone trying to talk him into letting the tech that does the sonogram write down the sex on a piece of paper, wrapping it up, and then opening it on Christmas. I think it's a fun idea and could be a great Christmas present to our families as well, but I don't know if I want to or not. I'll have to think about it, and even if I do end up wanting to I still have the extremely challenging task of convincing Kris. I'll definitely let you know what we decide to do.
Yesterday, I think I might've felt the baby move, but it wasn't significant enough for me to know for sure. I really couldn't even tell you what it felt like. It was just like a "what was that?" moment while concentrating really hard trying to feel anything.
The baby this week is about 5 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and almost 7 ounces!


Jen said...

Finding out the gender as a Christmas present is a really adorable and neat idea. Please do let us know what you are going to do!

Erin Pilant said...

I love that idea. If you just can NOT stand and Kris find out, then make copies of the sonogram for all your family. Have them open a card at the same time or something....have them pull the pic out of a Christmas stocking. The pics will have an arrow that says, "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl."
Let me know what happens!!

Anonymous said...

I love that idea of the surprise. You wouldn't have to wait too long either since Christmas is so close. It would be like a Christmas present to you from your baby! I remember those first feeling of when the girls moved and I actually felt it. It is undescribable. It's so little at first, but just wait before you know it you will feel just about every move!