Friday, December 26, 2008

It's a...

Kris and I have had a crazy Christmas week. It started Sunday evening opening presents with his parents, grandma, brother, and future sister-in-law (congrats guys!), then Monday evening with his parents and some of his dad's side of the family. Tuesday we had our sonogram and found out that we are having a GIRL! We were so excited we couldn't wait until Christmas to tell everyone, so we made a stop by both our parent's houses to show them the sonogram dvd and tell them all about the appointment. Wednesday night (Christmas Eve) we spent with his mom's side of the family and watched the sonogram dvd again. Christmas day started out with Kris and I opening the gifts we got each other and then we headed to the movies (Christmas tradition) with my parents and brother, then on to my grandma's house to say hi and show them the sonogram dvd. We then proceeded to my parent's house for Christmas lunch, presents, watching the sonogram dvd once again (my dad hadn't seen it yet), and an evening of watching movies curled up on the couch. We made a quick stop by Kris' parent's that night as well. Today was spent doing a little shopping, lunch at Kris' parent's with more of his dad's side of the family, and then we headed home. And that's been our Christmas week!
Ok, so more about my appointment...
It was Tuesday as I said before, and it was absolutely wonderful! To see our baby, even just on a black and white video on tv, was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. And then to find out that it was a girl just made it that more amazing! I think we might have a little gymnastics star on our hands. She was doing all sorts of flips and twists during the whole thing. The tech even had me roll on my side away from her to try and roll the baby in the direction she needed to check an area of the spine. Everything looks good though. The Dr. did decide to push back my due date to the 23rd of May though. So I'm not as far a long as I thought I was. I'll just now be 19 weeks tomorrow, but that's alright. Here's an edited version of the sonogram. The original is 15 min. long. It's not as good a quality as it is on the dvd itself, but it still looks great and you can still see everything. I hope you enjoy and had a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So I couldn't convince Kris to go with opening the sex of the baby as a Christmas gift thing. We've since decided to have the ultrasound tech write down the sex on a piece of paper (since my mom will be there) for Kris and I to see and then we'll wrap it up for our families to open on Christmas day! I know some family members will probably be mad that they have to wait an extra couple of days to find out, but it's more fun for Kris and I this way! 
I've been taking a poll on facebook to see what everyone else thinks we're having and so far its 4 votes for a BOY, 1 for a GIRL, and 2 UNDECIDED. If you haven't voted already and want to have your say comment on this post! 
Oh, today I definitely felt the baby move, quite a bit actually! It was really exciting!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

18 weeks

Alright, so I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and almost to the half way point! woo hoo! I go in for my sonogram in about 8 more days! Another woo hoo! Kris and I are itching to find out what we're having. Kris has everyone trying to talk him into letting the tech that does the sonogram write down the sex on a piece of paper, wrapping it up, and then opening it on Christmas. I think it's a fun idea and could be a great Christmas present to our families as well, but I don't know if I want to or not. I'll have to think about it, and even if I do end up wanting to I still have the extremely challenging task of convincing Kris. I'll definitely let you know what we decide to do.
Yesterday, I think I might've felt the baby move, but it wasn't significant enough for me to know for sure. I really couldn't even tell you what it felt like. It was just like a "what was that?" moment while concentrating really hard trying to feel anything.
The baby this week is about 5 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and almost 7 ounces!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dr. Appointment

I had my second Dr. Appt. this afternoon and it went very well. Although I found out through my blood work that I haven't had chicken pox and not immune. Plus, I can't get vaccinated while pregnant. I work with kids everyday so this was a concern for her. I can't believe that I'm not immune to it because I've been exposed several times when I was younger and never got it. I was so surprised by that news, but other than that, everything else looks good. I've gained 6 lbs. since my last visit which she was very pleased with. I had lost a couple pounds in my first trimester, so I'm happy to be gaining and not still losing or stuck under wait.
My ultrasound is scheduled for a couple weeks from now! Kris and I are so excited because we thought we weren't gonna be able to find out what we're until January, but we get to find out right before Christmas! I don't think I could ask for a better Christmas present!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Belly Shot #3

This is me almost 17 weeks pregnant.

My baby belly is getting big enough now that I don't have pull up my shirt to see it. I read that at 17 weeks the baby may be able, or soon be able, to hear us talking to him or her! That's so exciting to me! Isn't that exciting?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

16 weeks

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We had plenty to be thankful for! We are so thankful that God has blessed us with this pregnancy. Even though its been rough at times, we still feel extremely blessed to be expecting this baby.
We're also thankful that our baby is growing, growing, growing and now as big as an avocado, and will continue baby's little growth spurt over the next few weeks. Oh, and how cute is this, baby's toe nails are starting to grow! Here's an idea of what he or she looks like this week.

With the baby growing that means my belly is too. I'll post a picture soon.
I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday so I'll have to update then too, and the next appointment after that I should have my sonogram!