Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Dr. appointment

Well, our first baby Dr. appointment is scheduled for Oct. 22nd. Since its over a month from now I have turned to babycenter.com and parents.com to find out my estimated due date, and both have said MAY 15th. IF they are correct, then I'm working on my 6th week. Sorry about the diagram type picture, but I wanted to show you about what our baby will look like at six weeks (Friday). I know it may look kinda deformed and gross, but I think its beautiful!


Forever For Evie said...

Who is your doctor? If you don't have any pregnancy books yet, I recommend getting one called Your Pregnancy Week by Week. It was my favorite through all my pregnancies!

Jen said...

Ouu- I didn't even know they had websites that could tell you those things... how cool. You'll have to get a countdown timer!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing so amazing than seeing and knowing that there is a living human being that God created through you all growing inside of you. I can't wait for you to hear that first heartbeat and feel that first kick! Love ya, Becca