Fall 2011:
Potty Training
With Chloe being 2 1/2 now we thought it best to try potty training again. Things went much better than the last time, but it's still a constant battle. She knows what to do and will even tell us often when she has to go, but repeated accidents are still something we battle every day. The problem being she doesn't get upset or bothered when she has an accident, even when she gets a toy taken away or she misses out on getting a "special treat" for keeping her panties dry all day. She might get upset for a while and occasionally ask about the things that were taken away, but she really just doesn't care. SO... when someone invents a cure for stubbornness let me know. That could come in handy with more than just my 2 year old. *cough cough* Husbands too! *cough cough* (Just kidding :-))
The princess has entered the building, literally. To mommy's complete and utter delight, Chloe Marie has discovered a love for Disney Princesses. It all started with Mommy's personal favorite The Little Mermaid and just steam-rolled from there. Cinderella is her favorite but, Belle, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, you name it and she loves it.
As you can see, Chloe was Cinderella Halloween. We ventured out with good friends, The Grimms, for Chloe's first real trick-or-treating experience, and we're still reaping the benefits from that excursion...
We were blessed to have Kris' brother Jason home from Afghanistan for a couple of weeks in early November. So my Savage family decided to throw together a little early Thanksgiving dinner while he was home with us.

Normally we spend Thanksgiving day with my mom, dad, and brother, but this year it was spent with the whole family (on my mom's side) at my grandmother's house with my great-grandparents and everyone. So that was a nice treat.
Winter 2011
Our Christmas was as busy as ever. We spent the 23rd (or Christmas Adam ;-)) with Kris' family because on Christmas Eve we had services at church. So his family was kind enough to change everything around so we could take part in all the festivities.
The Christmas Eve services at East Side turned out to be a huge event with 756 people (the number I heard) in the 5 o'clock service alone.
Christmas Day we had our Christmas at home in the early morning, then spent late morning at my grandparent's house before having lunch and presents with my parents. After a quick nap, we headed back out again to retrieve forgotten items and visit with Kris' parents before finally settling in at home for some much needed relaxation after that crazy day.
Excited to get started opening presents

Eying the big, wrapped box in the corner...

The best picture of Christmas 2011!

Cinderella's Castle. For a "more detailed" look at her big present see my facebook page.
Well, you're caught up with us... What's up with you?