Chloe playing peek-a-book in the car at the end of a VERY long car ride.
"Look, Mom! It's a big fluffy bed!"
First trip on the subway for mommy and Chloe.
Super Star!
After seeing lots of animals, this is the one she gets excited about. Not even a real one.
Such a big girl.
Watching Elmo before bed.
Chinatown from the Subway.
This is the hallway and mirrored closet that Chloe was absolutely obsessed with.
The Navy Pier, and the beginning of a very long day.
A very distant skyline.
Chicago skyline.
A giant balloon that gives you a "bird's eye view" of the city.
After the Pier, we WALKED to ,and up and down, Michigan Ave. It was, like I said, a very long day.
Tiffany & Co.! Need I say more?
Chloe and her new Elmo book from Borders Bookstore.
The view from the 7th floor of the mall. It was sickening.
Human Statue. He would dance if you gave him money. It was actually really cool to watch.
Chloe's very first Oreo!! She liked it, as you can tell.