Neither of those happened... I've recently been bitten (no pun intended) by the Twilight bug. Last week I finished reading the entire saga...twice... spending every moment of free time I have either reading or sleeping (mostly reading). I'm totally obsessed. So much so, in fact, I started the first one again last night. Yeah, sad. I know. But, I was bound and determined to find time to get some snap shots posted. So here they are.
Chloe's first set of piggy tails.
Her hair has grown out some since I've taken these, or since the last time I fixed it like this, but it's so hard to get her to sit still enough to do them. Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen though? I know they're that way for me!!
Someone's in the Kitchen with Chloe!!
We tried making some edible play dough.... one of the worst ideas ever. That's all I'm gonna say about that. But she really enjoyed helping me make it.
She got mad that I made her wear a trash bag to protect her clothes, so it kinda ruined any of the fun we might've had...
Well, that's all. Hopefully it won't be so long before my next post for real...