Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Stuffed Animal

Here's the monkey we made at Build-A-Bear. The thumping you hear is the baby's heartbeat. I couldn't figure out how to rotate the video, sorry. Oh, I forgot to put in my last post that our official due date is May 16th, 2009!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dr. Appointment

I had my first prenatal appointment last Wednesday and everything is going well. I just need to be drinking more water and gain back the couple of pounds I lost in my first trimester.
We heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was strong at 150. We recorded it and went to Build-A-Bear to make our baby it's first stuffed animal with the heartbeat inside. I'll post pictures of it later. We'll get to have our sonogram at our January appointment! It seems so far away, but I know it will be well worth the wait.

Here's what the baby looks like this week.

Baby's about the size of a lemon, 3 1/2 inches long, and weighs 1 1/2 ounces. He or she is exercising it's facial muscles while learning all kinds of new expressions!
My belly hasn't changed much if at all this week so we'll post one next week.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

13 weeks

I'm in the final week of my first trimester! Woo Hoo! The "morning sickness" has calmed down a bit so I'm hoping it will be gone for good soon... we'll see.

As you can see, our baby is getting bigger and bigger. He or she is about the size of a lemon and it's finger prints are now in place!

Ok, belly shot number 2! Can you see any difference from last week? Well, I sure feel like there's a difference, especially today. It was like I woke up this morning and my "bump" just looked so much bigger to me.

My first doctors appointment is this Wednesday! I'm very excited that daddy and the baby's Nani (my mom) get to go! We should get to hear the heartbeat!
I'll update again after we go to the doctor. Have a great week!